Four core advantages

Make the artificial blue sky light effect comparable to the real blue sky.

Decor Process
Navy Blue

Comparable to the clear sky at noon.


The ultra-wide color temperature range can simulate the real sunrise, clear sky and sunset.


Only 5mm thick Rayleigh diffuser has a visual sense of 10,000 meters of deep space.

Whole chain R&D

From nano diffuser, led driver, embedded program development to APP development are all developed by ourselves, so every innovation and experience-related ideas are guaranteed to be realized.


We never stop to chasing the blue sky.

Although we cannot install skylights due to site constraints, we can install artificial sky lights. Bring us a good mood with artificial sky lights.

  • Create a natural atmosphere with green plants.
  • Enclose dark areas to create natural fill light.
  • Office, bathroom installation soothing mood.
  • Hospitals, dental installations heal the mood.
Modern armchair
New table products
red armchair

Let artificial sky lights not only have blue sky


人類不僅在視覺層面上受到光的影響,而且在生理層面上也受到影響。安裝以人為本的照明解決方案 (HCL) 時,您可以加強您的晝夜節律,增強您的認知技能和幸福感。它還用於在具有挑戰性的環境中提供理想的視覺工作條件




8 種場景模式

Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Reading, Refreshing, Leisure, Moonlight, Red sun.”Blue Sky” is more interesting.


So you don’t need to manually turn the lights on or off, and don’t worry about forgetting to turn off the lights and causing electricity bills.

For any kind of customer

Artificial skylight embedded installation steps.

  • 量出天花板的厚度

  • 調整天花板適配器的高度以匹配天花板的厚度

  • 連接電線並將燈體斜推進預開孔中

  • 連接安全繩後安裝磁吸面框並檢查是否完全貼合

Integrated ceiling installation method.

Push the entire lamp body including the face frame diagonally, and then lay the lamp flat. Refer to the installation method of the panel light.

* It is recommended to add installation ropes for large-area integrated ceilings and old integrated ceilings.

Thinking out of the box